Therapy Can Help You in the Process of:

  • Reaching your full potential by enhancing your emotional, mental, physical, relational, and spiritual wellness
  • Improving your ability to cope with life’s challenges and to cultivate fulfilling relationships
  • Making healthy lifestyle changes that support overall wellness and improve the outcome of health conditions
  • Healing from the effects of painful grief and loss
  • Finding balance in your life
  • Meeting your life and career goals
  • Recognizing, acknowledging, and moving on from the hindering influence of past hurtful relationships and losses
  • Deepening your understanding of yourself including your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and all the important aspects that comprise your identity
  • Enhancing your capacity for self-compassion as you learn to value your unique strengths and to accept your imperfections
  • Cultivating a healthy, sustainable relationship with food by learning to recognize unhealthy or disordered eating habits and how to make peace with food and your body