Mental Health · Women and Wellness

COVID-19: The Risks of Loneliness and Isolation

We’ve been asked to make many significant sacrifices to protect ourselves and others from coronavirus. One of the greatest has been giving up our interactions and ability to socialize with each other in person on a daily or at least regular basis. I’m deeply concerned about the short- and long-term impacts of this isolation on… Continue reading COVID-19: The Risks of Loneliness and Isolation

Mental Health · Women and Wellness

The Power of Acceptance or Why I Gave Up Shoulding On Myself

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers How many times have you told yourself you shouldn’t? You shouldn’t have done that, eaten that, be feeling that, or have been that. This is “shoulding” on yourself, a term first coined by Albert Ellis. You… Continue reading The Power of Acceptance or Why I Gave Up Shoulding On Myself

Mental Health

Shame Resilience: Why We Need It and How to Develop It

My summer reading including a book by one of my favorite authors, shame researcher Brene Brown titled “Daring Greatly.” It was one of those books that was so inspiring and helpful, I wanted to recommend it to everyone I know. What follows is a summary of the main concepts of this powerful book. Shame. Every… Continue reading Shame Resilience: Why We Need It and How to Develop It